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How to use The Clearing Process

  • Read this page of instructions, tips, and notes.

  • Read Definition of Clearing and Sample Clearing.

  • Read the FAQs.

  • Begin Clearing.

Note: If you are returning to clear again you'll notice that clearings are now done via email.  Clearings are no longer posted on our Message Board.

Definition of a Clearing:

For the purpose of this process we say that a clearing is a communication process between two that uncovers (recalls) and acknowledges an incomplete, something left over from an earlier interaction. For example: If, at age five, your mother asked if you had brushed your teeth and you lied your first lie, and, have yet to verbally acknowledged that specific lie, then we don't know to what extent it has been affecting your results since then. Up until then you had been in-integrity (whole and complete); using The Clearing Process you could recall that sleep that night wasn't guilt-free. Our integrity is such that we won't let our self both achieve and sustain the experience happiness and joy if we are dragging around life's unacknowledged perpetrations into each new interaction. We've come to believe that we got away with life's perpetrations; such arrogance begs to be humbled.

This clearing process is about searching ones memories (recalling/acknowledging) life's incompletes and communicating them, in this case, to a coach skilled at getting another's communications. The process includes emptying your mind of all thoughts that appear when asked to recall your first lie, your first theft, your first deceit, your first temper-tantrum, your first verbal abuse," and then emailing such thoughts to the coach, using your email application. The coach will get your thoughts. This simple but powerful process disappears the negative karma of unacknowledged perpetrations. One clearing per day for five days in a row. "Five" because the first clearings allow hidden ("forgotten") incompletes to appear on days 2, 3, 4, & even more on day 5.

This procedure supports the conscious-you separating your "self" from your mind. It adds an auditory dimension so that you hear your mind's considerations and then together we disappear your  thoughts (both the Coach and you delete your clearings) so that those specific thoughts no longer exist as agents capable of unconscious actions (I.e. a knee-jerk angry reaction) —you are no longer attached to them.


After you have read this page and the Sample Clearing and the FAQs click on Begin Clearing. 

Once you have completed your initial five clearings you may then use the Message Board to discuss a specific concern. The same username and password works for both the [free]  Message Drop and Message Board.

If, after you have completed one clearing per day for five days in a row, you wish to do a free 3-hr consultation the Coach might ask for five more clearings (also free) so as to ensure the integrity between yourself and the Coach (all breakdowns in communication between two reveal that one or more thoughts are being withheld, or there is an unacknowledged perpetration in the space). Put another way, if you're not completely honest during your clearings then you will cause a breakdown in communication during a tutorial or consultation.

Upon completing your five clearings return in a few days and, using the Message Board, post a brief acknowledgement of the value we (you and I) co-created. Acknowledgment expands upon the value, it completes our relationship, and creates space for even more value. A nice acknowledgment is a donation (optional).

Tip 1 If you are presently involved in deceit or abuse (say, choosing to continue to deceive or to abuse or to setting it up to be abused) and cannot bring yourself to clean it up or to estrange yourself from the relationship then The Clearing Process will not produce the desired results. Abuse hereafter will be premeditated with its appropriate karma.

Tip 2 The most value to be gotten from clearing is to recall and share your very first lie, your very first theft, your first upset (temper tantrum), the very first time you did something sneaky, the very first time you cheated, the very first time you were abusive to another; if you have not been acknowledged* for these firsts then they are stored (occupying space) in the back of your mind as incompletes.**  If you can't recall a first incident, from which patterns (actual neural pathways) were formed (unconscious decisions were made), then begin by recalling and sharing your second, third, and all subsequent incidents. Or, begin with your most recent (such as yesterday's upset/perpetration) and work your way back in time. Read Reunion Conversations (reading each page will trigger memories of incompletes).

* Most always when a parent acknowledges you for a perpetration they do it in such a way as to add to the guilt, shame, or remorse you may be experiencing already; they often punish you which compounds the bad feeling; it seldom ends up mutually satisfying. Such an attempt at acknowledgment produces an incomplete for both. When a verbal, non-verbal, or physically abusive punishment is delivered, the mind of the recipient, to be right, will spend its time (and rightly so) thinking about the abusive delivery of the punishment (making the punisher wrong) instead of reflecting on what you were really up to, your cause in the incident.

** An incomplete is any interaction that was not mutually satisfying. Remember, what you're looking for is unacknowledged perpetrations and withholds, things you have hidden from others or even yourself, to include situations in which you set it up for another to deceive/abuse you.

For example: Angry outbursts are normal; what completes such an incident for you and the other is when you later acknowledge, or you insist upon an acknowledgment. I.e. "I get that my yelling at you today didn't feel good" or, "I'd like to hear from you that you know that yelling at me didn't feel good" (no apology or other words are required or needed). To not insist upon an acknowledgment is to cause all future abuses.

Do the mini-tutorial (About Lies and Lying) —it will trigger memories of unacknowledged perpetrations.

After emailing Clearing #1 come back here and re-read everything; it will make more sense the second time around. Re-reading this will remind you to look for your firsts as you compose Clearing #2, etc.

If you use the company computer it will generate undesirable karma, unless— 1) You are the boss. 2) You have the boss's permission to use the company's PC for personal use. Committing a perpetration to acknowledge prior perpetrations will compound the undesirable consequences. 

Note #1 All email clearings are read and gotten (acknowledged) and manually deleted by the Coach. By agreement, nothing is done with them, no comments or advice about any subject, however, the Coach may advise you to re-read the instructions so as to optimize your remaining clearings.

Note #2 The Clearing Process works to the degree that you are willing to communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously. To choose to lie to or deceive the coach (including withholding thoughts) adds to the uncertainty of whether undesirable results are a consequence of your integrity or simply the effects of your leadership-communication skills.

Note #3 If your perpetrations are legally serious—murder, rape, felony, false accusations, etc., go here first.

Note #4 Can I start and quit? Yes. Even though a single clearing will ultimately produce value, the reason behind the recommended "one clearing per day for five days in a row" is because of the way the mind layers experiences on top of each other.

For example: As a child you were probably abusively yelled at and sent to your bedroom after doing something "bad." You then cried yourself to sleep. You woke the next morning and neither parent acknowledged his/her abusive communication, (didn't complete the incident for you) and, you had almost forgotten the incident. This is referred to as putting unconsciousness (sleep) on top of an incomplete. When you attempt to recall such an incident (and any other incident or upset you handled through distraction or by going to sleep) you will come up with, "Nothing's there," "Nothing comes up," "I can't think of anything else." This is because the incomplete is hidden under layers of unconsciousness (sleep). To recall such an incident you must acknowledge all the other incompletes that are hiding it—especially the thought, "That's all I can think of for now."

Once you email Clearing #1 it creates space for other thoughts that were suppressed (hidden from your conscious mind) to come to the surface. If you quit, say after your Clearing #3 email (often because you're beginning to not feel good about yourself), it's possibly because the closer you get to the biggie, the one that's been hidden under the other thoughts, (the specific incident that's say, the source of your lying throughout life or how you caused a deceit or infidelity) the more your mind wants to protect itself from the realization of just how unethical or irresponsible or abusive it (your mind) has been, so it talks you into quitting using the well established "quitting" neural pathway. Not to worry, if you're intent on having life work, you'll return and begin again (doing 5 days in a row) or, you'll find another way, therapy, counseling, journaling, religious rituals or meditation to complete the process.

Note #5 The Clearing Process is an excellent predictor for a supportable life partner. If you invite someone to do The Clearing Process so that they can then do The Clearing Process for Couples with you and they decline your invitation you'll know they are hiding something.  Most importantly, you'll see that they have resistance to being supported, to being contributed to.  Now is not the time to surrender; it's time to assume control—it's a fork in the road which will be significant and therefore remembered.

For example: "Here, read this book," "Wear these colors," "Try this food," "Let's take dance classes." "Let's do some counseling." "Let's not drink or "smoke" for a month." "Let's give up TV for a month." Instead, your invitation might trigger an abusive criticism of the process such as, "That's a bunch of New-Age Gen-X touchy-feely crap!" [a typical angry person's reaction]. A partner in a 5-year loveless marriage has little hope of being able to have his/her partner do The Clearing Process; whatever respect there was at the beginning is hidden under the unresolved breakdowns in communication

Most all women in a loveless relationship will say that if they had invited their "steady" to do The Clearing Process while dating (before the engagement) he most likely would have (back when he had more respect for you) eagerly accepted your invitation, back when sex was dependent upon consistent mutually satisfying communications.

Important: Complete your five clearings in a row before you invite another to do The Clearing Process. Your partner must first complete The Clearing Process before you can do The Clearing Process for Couples together.

Press the Sample button to get a sense of what a clearing looks like.

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A free 3-hour consultation (via phone or in person) with a communication coach is a transformative experience. (Prerequisite The [free] Clearing Process)

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